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Learn about the new Green ERA-Hub (GEH) project within the Horizon Europe framework, that started in September 2022.

The GEH will provide clear perspectives for ERA-Nets, ERA-Net Cofunds, national research funders and researchers in the Agri-food and biotechnology sector to find dedicated support at the level of information, communication, cooperation, networking and joint transnational funding that best fits their needs. And will contribute to maintaining and strengthening Europe's highly competitive position in agri-food and biotechnology research.

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Breakfast Club 18
Breakfast Club 18
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Breakfast Club 19

Our research themes


Sustainable primary production

Sustainable primary production are about encouraging efficient resource management, making animals and plants healthier and adopting ecological approaches from farm to landscape levels.




Sustainable food systems

Sustainable food systems are about making our food production system fairer, more sustainable and respectful to the environment and reconciling what we eat with the needs of the planet.



Sustainable biotechnology systems

Sustainable biotechnology systems is about renewable biological resources from land and sea, like crops, forests, fish, animals and micro-organisms to produce food, materials and energy.


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2024 Joint International Green ERA-Hub Call Now Open!

The 2024 Green ERA-Hub Call is developed by the partners of the ERA-Hub Call in collaboration with the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and the Wheat initiative. The overall objective of this 2024 joint international funding Call is to advance the climate smart farming for climate change adaptation, resilience to stresses, and crop and livestock health, in a context of the economic sustainability of farming.

Read more: 2nd call on “Crop and livestock farming meeting the challenges of climate change” | Green Era Hub