Funding opportunities

Green ERA-Hub Calls

The GEH aims to maximise synergies from previous strategic work in its 15 partner initiatives and will publish three internal calls for proposals, building on the successes of our partner initiatives. These initiatives have set out needs and requirements in strategic documents tailored to their thematic scope, namely Agriculture, Food and Biotechnology. The GEH consortium will analyse these documents, taking into account EU policies and stakeholder needs, to make transnational calls for projects/networks. Each call will provide direct funding for R&I projects addressing cross-cutting issues and multidisciplinary areas of interest at the intersection of previous ERA-Nets. Participation in GEH calls offers an opportunity for direct funding, turning innovative ideas into impactful research projects and networks. 

2nd Funding Call

The 2024 Green ERA-Hub Call is developed by the partners of the ERA-Hub Call in collaboration with the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and the Wheat initiative. The overall objective of this 2024 joint international funding Call is to advance the climate smart farming for climate change adaptation, resilience to stresses, and crop and livestock health, in a context of the economic sustainability of farming.

1st GEH Funding Call

The first call of the Green ERA Hub (GEH) was a result of the alignment of various national and regional research programmes. The GEH has combined the research and innovation priorities of different ERA-Net initiatives. The objective of this Call was to support projects contributing to the advancement of sustainable and resilient food and farming systems. Emphasizing resource utilization, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and assessing impacts on yields, product quality, human nutrition, and profitability, the initiative seeks holistic solutions for both organic and conventional farming and/or food approaches.

Early Career Researcher Opportunities

Within the Green Era Hub, we are focussing on the involvement of young researchers. The aim is to give Early Career Researchers (ECRs) the opportunity to build up transnational networks, gain experiences and foster their competences in transnational and multidisciplinary collaboration. The GEH is committed to driving growth through Summer Schools in 2025 and PhD/ECR Hosting.

1st GEH Early Career Researcher Call

Green ERA-Hub (GEH) is not only committed to funding research and innovation projects, but also prioritizes networking and knowledge exchange as key objectives. Recognizing the crucial role early career researchers (ECRs) play in enhancing these activities, GEH recently closed a call for applications specifically for ECRs. The call was designed to provide ECRs with valuable experiences, enhance their skills and provide opportunities to expand their professional network.

Collaborative research calls

In addition to our internal calls, the GEH will actively promote upcoming calls from other related initiatives. Our involvement goes beyond the internal calls as we strive to encourage collaboration and engagement in impactful research across domains. By actively promoting these initiatives, we aim to create a dynamic and inclusive research community that drives innovation and progress in key areas.

Pre-announcement of the 1st Co-funded Call of the Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare

Supporting the Future of Animal Health and Welfare

The European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare hereby pre-announces is the 1st co-funded call for transnational research projects.

The opening of the call was on 8 May 2024.

Details presented in this document may be subject to change before the opening of the call.

Euphresco: call for collaboration in plant health

The members of the Euphresco network propose a number of ideas each year. This can lead to transnational collaborations, provided that they raise enough interest, that coordinators are identified and national funds are committed.

1st Agroecology Call: Fostering agroecology at Farm and Landscape levels

AGROECOLOGY, the European Partnership ‘Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures’, is an ambitious, large-scale European research and innovation endeavour between the EC and 26 Member States

ICT-AGRI-FOOD 2024 Joint Call: Tackling digitalisation for sound agriculture and food systems

Tackling digitalisation for sound agriculture and food systems