Our partners

The partners in the GEH proposal represent 29 ongoing or previously funded coordination actions, namely ERA-Net, ERA-Net Plus, ERA-Net Cofunds and EJP. Most of the organisations involved are or were coordinators of the initiatives (add link to ERA-NETs), also a number of additional partners have been included in the consortium to provide additional and important expertise. It is a key feature of GEH that the partners in the project will do their utmost to preserve the peculiarities and specificities of the individual initiatives they represent. Consequently, all GEH partners will bring in the peculiarities of "their" respective ERA-Net (or derivative thereof) and are willing to enrich their communities with broader capabilities and with learning from other ERA-Nets. GEH partners believe that this consortium architecture will foster new ways of thinking and bring together researchers and funders from all branches of the agri-food and biotechnology sectors.