European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems

The scope for this ERA-NET was developed under the SCAR Collaborative Working Group on Sustainable Animal Production (CWG-SAP). Funding organisations from 23 European countries initially sought to support one co-funded call, followed by other joint activities, including the development of a common strategic research and innovation agenda on sustainable animal production, a joint European research effort for the further development of sustainable European animal production based on the three pillars of sustainability - economic, environmental and social.


  • Duration: 2016 – 2022

  • Website:

  • Contact: Katerina Kotzia

  • E-mail:

  • Budget: € 15 983 750

  • Partners: Network of 39 partners from 20 Member States plus 2 Associated Countries



  1. Cofunded call on sustainable animal production systems

  2. 2018 Joint Call of the three ERA-NETs (SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS and ICT-AGRI2) on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in animal production systems

  3. 2021 Joint Call of four ERA-NETs (SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS and ICT-AGRI-FOOD, SusCrop) on Circularity