International coordination of research on infectious animal diseases

Infectious animal diseases bring severe economic, environmental and social damage to many countries, and in some cases could pose a threat to human health. Globalisation of agricultural production requires urgent efforts to control and fight many livestock diseases including African swine fever and animal influenza, which represent a global threat. The EU-funded consortium of 28 partners from 19 countries will address these global threats through joint efforts via multi-disciplinary research on mechanisms of host/vector/pathogen interactions, epidemiology, diagnostics and vaccination strategy. This project will build on the work of the two previous ERA-NET programmes with successful outcomes that are dedicated to ensuring sustainable livestock production along with safety in international trade.


  • Duration: 2019 – 2024

  • Website:

  • Contact: Per Hasselholm Mogensen

  • E-mail:

  • Budget: € 24 607 750

  • Partners: Network of 31 partners from 16 Member States plus 4 Associated Countries


  1. Co-fund call on priority animal health infectious diseases

  2. 2nd Transnational call on One Health Approach to Zoonoses Research

  3. Developing a 3rd transnational call