Long-term EU Africa research and innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture
The ERA-Net Cofund LEAP Agri is the result and part of the implementation of the priorities of the EU Africa HLPD (High-Level Policy Dialogue ) on Food, Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA). This partnership will increase investments in research and innovation through coordinated bi-regional (EU/Africa) mechanisms aimed at reducing fragmentation. The project has two pillars, (i) funding R&I projects on FNSSA, and (ii) Feeding the long-term EU- AU partnership on FNSSA. Building on earlier experiences such as ERAfrica, PRO-IntensAfrica and ERA-ARD, LEAP-AGRI will be guided by strong partnership principles such as equitability, shared governance and long-term commitment to the partnership by organisations who have had relationships of trust for many years.
Duration: 2016 – 2022
Website: https://leap-agri.com/
Contact: Isabelle Hippolyte
E-mail: isabelle.hippolyte@agencerecherche.fr
Budget: € 27 950 695
Partners: A network of 30 partners, including 24 Ministries and Funding Agencies from 18 European and African countries