Funders’ Kick off Meeting

The funders' kick-off meeting took place on the 12th December 2022, 10-12 CET (online).

The Green ERA- Hub

The Green ERA-Hub is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) funded under the WIDERA program. It aims to keep the momentum gained in the ERA-Nets over the last 17 years and at the same time build on previous achievements and further enhance cross-sector collaborations between Agri-food and biotechnology ERA-Nets. By doing this, the GEH will provide support to EU networks (e.g. ERA-Net consortia), national research funders and researchers in the Agri-food and biotechnology sector by streamlining information, communication, co-operation, and joint transnational funding that best fits their needs.


To download the presentation slides please follow this link: Presentation slides 


Introduction of the Green ERA-Hub and Strategic Roadmapping  

Call procedures and technical modalities


Green ERA-Hub Flyer


Green ERA-Hub Kick-off meeting